Does vpn guard against stingray
Does vpn guard against stingray

does vpn guard against stingray

An ' Super Ranges.txt' file which includes a list of known IP ranges that are compromised (be careful with that!).The confirmation is given within the Research link(s) at the bottom and with my own tests. A ' HOSTS' file that includes all Servers/DNS domains that are known to be involved in spying.Intelligence agencies stopped the practice last year. You still can help keep the fight up against any surveillance programs! NSA has stopped collecting location data from US cellphones without a warrant Mass surveillance is official illegalĪccording to EGMR mass surveillance is now official against human rights.

does vpn guard against stingray

I need to wait for GitHub approval in order to bulk upload bigger file set (100MB+ files). My list is original based on 2007 published Wikileaks documents and includes my own modifications from 2008, 2012, 20.Ĭurrent Status: 2,45 Mio files (not everything upload ).

does vpn guard against stingray

This hosts or the super ranges lists could block some of your sites/servers you may need, so you'll be warned! The list is not designed to block common malware, spyware/ads or anything that is already available on the net via a proper designed hosts for such special case. servers from being connecting to you without permission, of course the IPs also can be used for Bot Revolt or other tools. This isn't yet another hosts file or DNSBL that claims to secure the web, it's specially designed to stop known NSA / GCHQ / C.I.A.

#Does vpn guard against stingray license#

NSABlocklist© project original created under the ISC license 2015 - 2020 by CHEF-KOCH & Tigthor Description

Does vpn guard against stingray